
"Behold, Your Mother!"

Evangelist John Foster shares a Mother’s Day Lesson emphasizing the significance of godly mothers in God’s plan of for the redemption of all mankind through the Seed of a woman! The Scriptures referenced are Jn 19:25-27, Gen 3:15-16, Gal 4:4-5, Rev 12:1-5, 13,17 shared on 13MAY24.

"The Journey From Jacob To Israel!" (pt 2)

Bro. John Foster continues a lesson that illustrates how God used life circumstances to help the patriarch Jacob to transform to Israel. From a deceitful, manipulative, selfish person into the man of God & father of the 12 tribes, whose name would be changed to Israel – which means one who wrestles with God & with men & prevailed! Shared on 5MAY24.

"The Journey From Jacob To Israel!"

Bro. John Foster follows the life of the patriarch Jacob in Genesis chapters 29-31. God allowed Jacob to learn some lessons through his personal hardships to develop his character to become the man of God that God intended him to be. God changed his name from Jacob, which meant deceiver, to Israel which means “God perseveres”! Shared on 28APR24

"Spiritual Adultery!"

Bro. John Foster, shares a message from the Book of Hosea, about how God used the life of the Old Testament prophet Hosea & his marriage to a prostitute to symbolize the adulterous nature of the nation in their relationship with Him. By looking to & putting their faith in anything more than God the nation was guilty of “Spiritual Adultery”! Shared on 21APR24

"Remembering Our Sins No More!"

Bro. John Foster shares a lesson from the Book of Hebrews dealing with the concept of God choosing to forget our sins because of the perfect sacrifice of Jesus Christ at Calvary! Scripture text Hebrews 9:28-10:18. Shared on 14APR24.

"The Cities Of Refuge!"

Evangelist John Foster shares an uplifting message from Joshua 20:1-9 & Deuteronomy 19:1-13 that describes how God planned to have “Cities of Refuge” in the Promised Land so the people could have a safe place & they could experience mercy & grace as they sought justice when they were guilty of committing an unintentional sin. The lesson illustrates how through God’s love for us, He has always had a plan & a place of salvation/refuge, mercy, & grace while still being just! The Cities of Refuge were a shadow representing what the church is for all those who follow Christ today! Shared on 07APR24.

"The Resurrection Of Jesus Christ!"

Evangelist John Foster shares a lesson from Luke Chapter 24 focusing on the resurrection of Jesus Christ being the most significant event in all of human history, and how failure to understand the resurrection is impacting many Christians in their walk with God today. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the proof of our victory over death and the assurance of our eternal life! Shared on 31MAR24.

"Taking The Place Of Barabbas"

Bro. John Foster shares a thought-provoking lesson from the Holy Scriptures focusing on the fact that Jesus was without sin, but was chosen to be crucified in the place of Barabbas, a murderous insurrectionist. The innocent died for the guilty to demonstrate the justice and mercy of God! Scripture taken from Luke 23:13-25; John 18:39-19:16; Matthew 27:15-26 delivered on 25MAR24.

"Becoming Like A Little Child"

Evangelist John Foster shares a lesson from the Holy Scriptures, Mark 10:13-22, which illustrates how Jesus used the heart & innocence of children to teach a lesson to His disciples about the humble attitude we must all have in order to enter into the kingdom of heaven & to inherit eternal life. Shared on 17MAR24

"Lying To The Holy Spirit!"

Bro. John Foster shares a lesson from the Holy Scriptures reminding all Christians to be conscious of the power of God, the Holy Spirit who is present with each one of us, and to be sincere in all we do in our service to God and others.  Bro. Foster addresses the folly of Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5:1-13 as they conspired to deceive Peter and the other apostles, but ultimately lied to God and lost their lives!  Shared on 10MAY24.

"Pattern Theology II"

Bro. John Foster continues his teaching focusing on the church, the one and only body and bride of Christ, that Jesus will be coming back to claim when He returns amidst the many denominations that have strayed from the divine instructions of God’s Word and are now doing what they like over what ‘thus says the Lord”! Scripture texts: Hebrews 8:1-5 and Ephesians 4:1-6. Shared on 25FEB24

"Pattern Theology"

A dynamic lesson from God’s Word emphasizing the importance of following God’s divine instructions as we consider our bodies and the congregation as the temple of the living God! Scriptures taken from Hebrews 8:1-5, 9:23-24; 2 Timothy 1:13-15. Delivered by Bro. John Foster on 18FEB24.

"Claiming Our Birthright!"

Evangelist John Foster shares a thought-provoking message reminding the church family to hold onto their rights as children of God, and to continue pursing peace and holiness in our spiritual journey to see God! Looking at the biblical example of Esau, who sold his birthright and lost his blessing and how Jesus Christ gives us a new birthright by redeeming us through His blood! Scripture references: Hebrews 12:14-17; Genesis 25:29-34, 27:32-38; 1 Peter 1:18-19. (Shared on 11FEB24)

"A Non-Conformist?"

Brother John Foster shares an encouraging message from God’s Word reminding the church that we are all being conformed to either the image of Jeus, or we will be molded and shaped to conform to the world!  Scripture references: Romans 12:1-12, 8:28-29 & Philippians 3:10, 17-21 shared on 4FEB24).

"The Presence of the Lord!"

Evangelist John Foster shared a thought-provoking lesson entitled, The Presence of the Lord!” looking at God’s faithfulness and constant presence with the childrend of Isreal in the Old Testament, and considering the fact that God is still a faithful and ever-present guiding force in the lives of His people today! Scripture text: Exodus 13:17-22 & Numbers 9:15-23 shared on 28JAN24

"The Power of Influence!"

Brother John Foster shares a lesson entitled, “The Power of Influence!” that deals with the idea that Jesus of Nazareth is the greatest “influencer” with the greatest influence of all times! Text: Mark 1:21-2:12 (Delivered on 21JAN24).

"All For The Glory Of God!"

Evangelist John Foster shares a lesson from John 11 focusing on how Jesus saw sickness & even death as an opportunity to glorify God when He resurrected Lazarus from the dead! (Shared on 1-14-24)

"God's People, Who Rejected God!"

Evangelist John Foster shares a lesson from 1 Samuel 8:1-22 that shows how the people of God rejected God by foolishly asking for a king, like all of the other surrounding nations, & ended up going from freedom with God to bondage with their earthly king!  (Delivered on 1-7-24).

"Get Behind Me, Satan!"

Evangelist John Foster shares a passionate lesson entitled, “Get Behind Me, Satan!” from Matthew 16:21-23 & Mark 8:31-33 to encourage the church to be more mindful of God’s will & less distracted by the enemy in the New Year!” (Shared on 12-10-23)

"Advice For Spiritual Leadership!"

Evangelist John Foster shares a lesson from 2 Chronicles 10:1-19 dealing with the characteristics and the necessity for true spiritual leadership in the church, in our homes, and in our society!  Delivered on 12-24-23.

"Happy Holidays"

Brother John Foster shares a message that addresses issues concerning authorized & unauthorized holidays to help all Christian believers to live in a secular world & still accomplish God’s will of reaching those who do not know the truth!” (Shared on 12-10-23)

"Caught In The Act Of Sin!"

Evangelist John Foster shares a message entitled, “Caught In The Act Of Sin!” from John 8:1-12 about a woman caught in the act of adultery & how we all need to experience & share God’s grace, mercy, & love.  Delivered on 12-3-23.

"Whose Side Are You Fighting On?"

Evangelist John Foster shares a lesson entitled, “Whose Side Are You Fighting On?” from the Bood of First Samuel (1 Samuel 26:18-25, 27:1-11, & 29:1-11). Although David was the anointed future king of Israel, he found himself living with the Philistines. He was even prepared to line up & go to war with them against God’s people! Shared on 11-26-23.

"Prayer of Faith"

Evangelist John Foster shares a message on the power of prayer & the necessity for every Christian to pray in faith when we come to God no matter what our circumstances!  Text: James 5:13-20; Mark 9:14-29. Delivered on 11-19-23.

"A Clean House"

Evangelist John Foster shares a thought-provoking message entitled “A Clean House!” on how Jesus’ zeal led Him to overturn tables & chairs as He cleaned out the House of God because of the insincere hearts of the people worshipping in the temple of God.  Text: John 2:13-22 & Matthew 21:12-17.  Shared on 11-12-23

"A Wise and Faithful Heart"

Evangelist John Foster shares a lesson on having a “Wise and Faithful Heart” using the illustration of how even with God-given wisdom Solomon’s heart was turned away from God in his old age. (1 Kings 3:1-14; 11:1-13) Shared on 11-5-23.

"Leave No Provisions For The Flesh"

“Evangelist John Foster shares a lesson about the importance of circumcising the areas in our life that hinder our walk with God shared from Romans 13:11-14 & Genesis 17:9-14.  Delivered on 10-29-23.

"Seeking Opportunities To Show Kindness"

Brother Foster shares a message about the importance of practicing kindness of God & manifesting “the fruit of the Spirit” from Galatians 5:22-26 & 2 Samuel 9:1-13. Delivered on 10-22-23.

"The Vision Of Christ"

Evangelist John Foster shares a lesson from the Book of Revelation entitled, “The Vision of Christ!” that shares the great message of perseverance & victory for the God’s people through our faith in Jesus Christ!  Shared on 10-15-23

"Building The House Of God"

Brother John Foster shares a lesson entitled “Building the House of God” focusing on king David preparing the way so his son, Solomon, could succeed him & build the temple of God from 1 Chronicles 22:1-19. Delivered on 10-8-23

"The Kingdom Of God" (Pt 2)

Brother John Foster shares Pt 2 of a lesson entitled, “The Kingdom of God!” focusing on the spiritual kingdom, which is the church of Christ, that was founded upon the death, burial, & resurrection of Jesus Christ & the Holy Spirit coming on the Day of Pentecost in Acts chapter 2.  Scripture text taken from Matthew 6:9-10 & Luke 17:20-36. Delivered on 10-1-23.

"The Kingdom Of God" (Pt 2)

Brother John Foster shares Pt 1 of a lesson from Luke 17:20-36 where Jesus teaches His disciples about the “The Kingdom of God.”  Shared on 9-24-23.

"Let Him Hear What The Spirit Says"

Evangelist John Foster share a message from God’s Word entitled, “Let Him Hear What The Spirit Says!” focusing on John 13:18-30 that deals with why the disciples were unable to understand many of the things that Jesus was teaching them.  Shared on 9-17-23.

"Have You Considered My Servant, Job" (Pt 2)

Brother John Foster continues a series from the Book of Job chapter 9:32-35 where Job desires a mediator to intercede between he and God as he endures the spiritual attacks of the devil! Delivered on 9-1-23.

"One Ark For Salvation"

Brother Melvin Jackson shares an inspiring message on Christ’s church being the “One Ark For Salvation” from Matthew 16:13-18 & 1 Peter 3:19-22.  Delivered on 9-3-23.

"Have You Considered My Servant, Job" (Pt 1)

Evangelist John Foster shares a message from the Book of Job chapters 1 & 2 examining Job’s outstanding faith & the devil’s accusations against God & Job! Delivered on 8-27-23.

"Speaking The Words Of Life"

Brother John Foster share a message from Mark 5:21-43 where Jesus speaks the words of life & resurrects a young girl from the dead! Delivered on 8-20-23

"Following God's Lead"

Brother John Foster shares a lesson on the importance of humility as we follow God’s purpose for our lives entitled, “Following God’s Lead” from Acts 7:20-36.  Shared on 8-14-23.